Estudante surdo, Acessibilidade, LibrasAbstract
This article aimed to identify whether the didactics used by the teacher is adapted for teaching deaf students in the municipal network of Mossoró/RN, seeking to describe the difficulties they encounter in the classroom and in the relationship between teacher/student, deaf student/hearing student . , listeners/interpreter, highlighting experiences of four students who are attending elementary school II, observing the teaching strategies that are used by teachers, seeking to suggest didactic means, starting from the need and subjectivity of the deaf student, the first and most important step is the adaptation of the content taught in the classroom to develop the student's learning. After bibliographic and documentary analysis, we realized how difficult the student journey of deaf individuals is. Based on the reports and experiences shared by the deaf, we will present how the lack of accessibility in Libras and inclusion hinder the development and social relationships of this subject, in the school environment, since for the deaf student it is the main place of socialization and construction identity. After the reports, we concluded that there are many obstacles preventing the advancement of quality education for the deaf. We also realize the need for investments, structures and the absence of a Libras teacher and Libras interpreter in schools, considering that many teachers in practice at school they do not have the knowledge or command of Libras to offer greater attention and establish clear communication.
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- 2024-05-04 (2)
- 2024-05-02 (1)
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